Show all company-profiles with branches and managementpersons
Below a list of persons and companies who contribute to
Compilation and editing:
Paul Lodder
Marlene van der Hulst (Design, lay-out, website, online marketing)
Tommy Kolkman, Steez Development
Europe Container Terminals, Rotterdam
Wouter van der Mark Dronephoto’s (Instagram)
Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Rotterdam
“T in O” Grafische Producties, Rotterdam
Uitgeverij Logistiek is founded in 1994 and is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam with Tradenumber 24247247.
The trilingual website is the digital continuation of the Rotterdam Transport Handbook.
Below is an overview of our collaborations and useful information about our website
- Member of the FENEX, freight forwarding and Logistics, Rotterdam and collaboration with the Fenex with publication of the list of members
- Collaboration with the VRC -Vereniging van Rotterdamse Cargadoors, Rotterdam and collaboration with VRC with publication of the list of members
- Collaboration with the Rotterdam Port Authority with link to our website
- Collaboration with the HIDC/Holland International Distribution Council and publication of the list of members
- Collaboration with Rail Cargo Information Netherlands and publication of the list of members
- Rotterdam, Maritime Capital of Europe.
- Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Amsterdam
Memberships / certifications of the following organizations are listed in the company profiles: attracts visitors from 150 countries, most of them from our country, followed by Germany, England, Belgium and France.
Worldwide promotion through LinkedIn and LinkedIn communities in the transport field.
Follow us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date.
Curious what our visitors think of our website? Click here.
Our website is constantly developing. Click here to read
- Number of company profiles in January 2024: 2498
- Number of company profiles in May 2023: 2472
- Number of company profiles in November 2022: 2454.
- Number of company profiles in January 2022: 2423.
- We have added a membershipslist of Rail Cargo Information Netherlands
- We have added membershipslist of NDL (Nederland Distributieland) / HIDC (Holland International Distribution Council)
- Number of company profiles in April 2021: 2401.
- We have added a new page named ‘Photo Gallery‘ with beautiful pictures of (Port of) Rotterdam, Ships and other transport modalities.
- Number of company profiles end of June 2020: 2385.
- Number of company profiles in March 2020: 2360.
- We developed a log-in pop-up screen with more information. You only need to log in when you want to adjust your company profile.
- Chat support window if you are logged on, in case you need help with your adjustments.
- Set your own password for login. Instead of resetting your password all the time, you can now set your own password once you are logged on in the first tab with the data of the contact person.
- New social media items in the company profiles: Instagram and Twitter. So now the following social media items are available in the company profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
- Search windows are made responsive. This means you can search on all your mobile devices.
- Number of company profiles in November 2019: 2341.
- On the homepage the number companies, persons and branches is added between brackets and automatically updated 24/7
- We have added a new page with extensive information about all the 287 countries.
- Set your own password for login. Instead of resetting your password all the time, you can now set your own password once you are logged on in the first tab with the data of the contactperson.
- We have removed all ‘yellow search buttons’. After you have entered a text in one of the search windows you only need to click on enter to finalize your query.
- All members of the VRC have a VRC logo behind their company name in all lists of companies.
- We have added a new page with all the national flags from all over the world.
- We have added a new page with our cookie statement.
- Country Maps Inland shipping and Railway Traffic have been revised/renewed. The Railway map includes all destinations in China belonging to the Silk Road.
- Besides searching for ports on the homepage, it is now also possible to seacrh for countries in the same search window, where you can search for ports.
- Up to 400 characters can be added under ‘Extra information’ about other company activities.
- All maps with Ports Shipping/Groupage by Sea have been revised/renewed.
- A search window for branches is added in the left column at the page show all branches.
- If a company contains an extended company description (advertorial) this company will be marked with clickable yellow extra info tag in all the branche lists.
- It is now possible to put your company with logo in a top list (google ranking) above all your ports or destinations. It is also possible to google rank some specific ports or destinations.
- You can now search for a particular branche on the page ‘show all companies by branche‘
- The total number of companies per branche is shown in the header of the particular page.
- You can now search for destinations/ports/countries on all pages with country indexes in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic by entering the destination/port/country in the search window.
- New page with Shipping Alliances 3M, Ocean Alliance and THE Alliance.
- A map of the Port of Rotterdam is added to the first photo gallery on the homepage.
- The homepage has been redesigned to give a better overview of the contents of the website.
- You can now search for companies on every page of our website in the search window in the upper righthand corner of the navigation menu.
- You can now search for destinations/ports/countries on all pages with addresses in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic by entering the destination/port/country in the search window.
- All destinations/ports/countries are linked to the corresponding map. Behind every destination / port / country you will see the corresponding Map number, by clicking on the map number a pop-up will be shown with the corresponding map.
- It is now possible to enlarge all pictures in the photo galleries.
- All pages with maps in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic are redesigned and put in a photo gallery.
- Two new Photo galleries are added on the homepage. One with beautiful pictures of Rotterdam and all transport modalities and one with maps of Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic.
- The number of company profiles which are on the website is now visible on the homepage. They will be updated 24/7.
- On the pages with long lists of addresses an Alphabet is added to ease searching for a specific company or management person.
- All company profiles with Rhine-Inland Terminals are enriched with information on their facilities.
- The log-on dashboard in which you can manage your company profiles is, besides Dutch, now also available in English and German
- In all ‘search for companies’ windows you can now also search on the Ref-number of the company profile.
- All members of the Fenex have a Fenex logo behind their company name in all lists of companies.
- Two new organisations have been added to the memberships logo’s, i.e. Fonasba and HRCA.
- On every page you can go back to a list of all companies in one click because we added a 7th tab with ‘companies’.
- On the pages with the addresses Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic it is now possible to search for the corresponding ports/destinations/countries.
Launch new website with 1500 company profiles.
- Number of company profiles in January 2024: 2498
- Number of company profiles in May 2023: 2472
- Number of company profiles in November 2022: 2454.
- Number of company profiles in January 2022: 2423.
- We have added a membershipslist of Rail Cargo Information Netherlands
- We have added membershipslist of NDL (Nederland Distributieland) / HIDC (Holland International Distribution Council)
- Number of company profiles in April 2021: 2401.
- We have added a new page named ‘Photo Gallery‘ with beautiful pictures of (Port of) Rotterdam, Ships and other transport modalities.
- Number of company profiles end of June 2020: 2385.
- Number of company profiles in March 2020: 2360.
- We developed a log-in pop-up screen with more information. You only need to log in when you want to adjust your company profile.
- Chat support window if you are logged on, in case you need help with your adjustments.
- Set your own password for login. Instead of resetting your password all the time, you can now set your own password once you are logged on in the first tab with the data of the contact person.
- New social media items in the company profiles: Instagram and Twitter. So now the following social media items are available in the company profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
- Search windows are made responsive. This means you can search on all your mobile devices.
- Number of company profiles in November 2019: 2341.
- On the homepage the number companies, persons and branches is added between brackets and automatically updated 24/7
- We have added a new page with extensive information about all the 287 countries.
- Set your own password for login. Instead of resetting your password all the time, you can now set your own password once you are logged on in the first tab with the data of the contactperson.
- We have removed all ‘yellow search buttons’. After you have entered a text in one of the search windows you only need to click on enter to finalize your query.
- All members of the VRC have a VRC logo behind their company name in all lists of companies.
- We have added a new page with all the national flags from all over the world.
- We have added a new page with our cookie statement.
- Country Maps Inland shipping and Railway Traffic have been revised/renewed. The Railway map includes all destinations in China belonging to the Silk Road.
- Besides searching for ports on the homepage, it is now also possible to seacrh for countries in the same search window, where you can search for ports.
- Up to 400 characters can be added under ‘Extra information’ about other company activities.
- All maps with Ports Shipping/Groupage by Sea have been revised/renewed.
- A search window for branches is added in the left column at the page show all branches.
- If a company contains an extended company description (advertorial) this company will be marked with clickable yellow extra info tag in all the branche lists.
- It is now possible to put your company with logo in a top list (google ranking) above all your ports or destinations. It is also possible to google rank some specific ports or destinations.
- You can now search for a particular branche on the page ‘show all companies by branche‘
- The total number of companies per branche is shown in the header of the particular page.
- You can now search for destinations/ports/countries on all pages with country indexes in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic by entering the destination/port/country in the search window.
- New page with Shipping Alliances 3M, Ocean Alliance and THE Alliance.
- A map of the Port of Rotterdam is added to the first photo gallery on the homepage.
- The homepage has been redesigned to give a better overview of the contents of the website.
- You can now search for companies on every page of our website in the search window in the upper righthand corner of the navigation menu.
- You can now search for destinations/ports/countries on all pages with addresses in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic by entering the destination/port/country in the search window.
- All destinations/ports/countries are linked to the corresponding map. Behind every destination / port / country you will see the corresponding Map number, by clicking on the map number a pop-up will be shown with the corresponding map.
- It is now possible to enlarge all pictures in the photo galleries.
- All pages with maps in Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic are redesigned and put in a photo gallery.
- Two new Photo galleries are added on the homepage. One with beautiful pictures of Rotterdam and all transport modalities and one with maps of Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic.
- The number of company profiles which are on the website is now visible on the homepage. They will be updated 24/7.
- On the pages with long lists of addresses an Alphabet is added to ease searching for a specific company or management person.
- All company profiles with Rhine-Inland Terminals are enriched with information on their facilities.
- The log-on dashboard in which you can manage your company profiles is, besides Dutch, now also available in English and German
- In all ‘search for companies’ windows you can now also search on the Ref-number of the company profile.
- All members of the Fenex have a Fenex logo behind their company name in all lists of companies.
- Two new organisations have been added to the memberships logo’s, i.e. Fonasba and HRCA.
- On every page you can go back to a list of all companies in one click because we added a 7th tab with ‘companies’.
- On the pages with the addresses Shipping, Groupage by Sea, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway Traffic it is now possible to search for the corresponding ports/destinations/countries.
Launch new website with 1500 company profiles.