
Uitgeverij Logistiek (below: Logistiek) is only responsible for the pages with general information provided on rotterdamtransPORT.com. Logistiek makes every effort to make and maintain that contents as up-to-date, accessible, error-free and complete as possible. However, Logistiek cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness. Through this website, Logistiek provides information about services offered by the companies as mentioned on rotterdamtransPORT.com. Modifications and corrections may be made without prior notice. Logistiek does not accept any liability for the (continuous) operation of this website.

Accuracy and completeness

Logistiek do not accept any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the data and particulars presented on the website and further, it shall never be liable for loss, damage, costs or expenses (particularly loss of profit, loss of use, direct, indirect, additional or consequential loss) resulting from errors, omissions or other shortcomings in the information obtained through rotterdamtransPORT.com.

If Logistiek has not received any corrections via the website, Logistiek assumes that the data is still correct as shown on the website. This applies to both free and paid listings. The other party is responsible for the correctness of the required data with regard to the data as stated on the website.

Terms and conditions paid listings

A paid listing applies to the branches with worldwide destinations: Shipping, Groupage by Sea/NVOCC, Groupage by Road, Rhine-Inland Shipping and Railway traffic. These paid listings have a term of twelve months and are renewed tacitly each year. Termination of a paid listing is possible subject to a notice period of four weeks before the end of the term (twelve months).

Keep your  free and paid listings up-to-date

Logistiek regularly sends a request by e-mail to change data by means of a link to the website with log-in codes to correct the free and paid entries. The other party is obliged to ensure that Logistiek has information about the right contact person to ensure that these e-mails reach the right person. To the extent that the other party wishes to change or correct the data, it must log in to our website and, if necessary, adjust the data itself. The other party is at all times responsible for keeping up-to-date all information published on rotterdamtransPORT.com. If a company signs up for a listing, the e-mailaddress of the contact person is also the username to login on our website.

Add rotterdamtransPORT.com to  approved contacts in your e-mail program

The other party is responsible for ensuring that the domain rotterdamtranPORT.com and in particular the e-mail address info@rotterdamtransPORT.com is on the ‘white list’ of approved contacts, so that e-mail messages from rotterdamtransPORT.com are not accidentally classified as Bulk or Spam. The other party is also urgently advised never to unsubscribe or unsubscribe from e-mail messages from Logistiek regarding communications about rotterdamtransPORT.com because the other party is no longer informed about important updates on rotterdamtransPORT.com


All advertisements on this website will be closed for a period of 12 months. If only a logo is taken, it will be renewed every year without any counter notification. One can terminate this agreement one week before the end date.

External links

On various locations on rotterdamtransPORT.com we offer links to other Internet sites that relate to a specific aspect of this site. References to web sites that are not maintained by Logistiek are provided only for information purposes and for the benefit of the visitor. Logistiek is very judicious regarding the sites to which reference is made. However, it cannot guarantee the contents and operation of these sites, or the quality of products and/or services, if any, offered on such sites. Any liability with respect to sites that are not maintained by Logistiek is hereby rejected. References on the site to products or services do not imply any offer for the sale or supply of such product or service.

Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122