HGK Logistics and Intermodal Nederland

HGK Logistics and Intermodal Nederland

Tel: +31 (0)88 8760220 Ref: 19234
Disclaimer: This information is managed by the contactperson of the company itself and can be updated 24/7 by logging in on www.rotterdamtransport.com with the username. Forgot your password? Click on "forgot password", enter the username (sales@neska-containerline.nl) and click on "reset" to receive new login details. E-mail address no longer active? Check out our FAQ page.

Branches with worldwide destinations

  • None

Branches (Up to 4 in which the company operates. So not the branches of their customers)

Additional information (max. 400 characters). Update 24/7. Share with social media below.

Direct links


Company information

Management persons

Name Function Direct tel. Mobile Email
Buiten kantooruren Weekend/Avond dienst Barge +31 (0)6 53111678
Buiten kantooruren Weekend/Avond dienst Rail +31 (0)6 49858964
Buiten kantooruren Manager Forwarding +31 (0)6 53760273
Up to 11 management persons can be listed here for FREE. Use this opportunity and make your company even easier to reach!
About us
Here you can place an extended company description. For more info: click here.

Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122